Posh Dog Knee Brace
Help Your Dog Recover
Without Surgery


Comprehensive Understanding of Adequan or Cartrophen

Let’s talk about Adequan today, and the many benefits it has!  Another name for it is Cartrophen, for those in Canada or other countries. 

Adequan is an injection given either in the muscle (most common) or under the skin.

Adequan or Cartrophen

This medication stops cartilage loss in the joint and helps to restore lubrication , relieve inflammation, and renew building blocks of healthy cartilage.  It is also one of the only medications that can help slow down arthritis.

Adequan has been shown very helpful for CCL patients, as many dogs also have meniscus tears or strains.

I find patients with meniscus tears see results rather quickly with Adequan therapy, especially if they also have arthritis findings.

It is very safe, with basically no side effects in their study groups.  Much safer than NSAIDs and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Can be administered at home after a prescription is given.

This can be very helpful when used in conjunction with our brace for CCL tears and meniscus issues.

This is why we, at Posh, recommend this injection for any dog with a knee injury. For more information you can leave a message on our contact form or visit our Facebook Page.

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